Exam Preparation

Get ready for the D-Day!

We offer a complete and flexible program to prepare the DELF-DALF examination, the TCF-TEF, TCFQ-TEFAQ and TEF Canada tests, as well as the Preconsular Interview with Campus France.

These preparation courses can be taken either under the form of workshops organized several times per year or under the form of individual training, according to your needs and budget.

Our accredited teachers will give you the keys to success!

DELF & DALF Examination

This training is highly recommended to ensure your success to this examination.

16 hours preparation courseLevel B1

This workshop will allow you to understand how this examination is organized and you will be preparing each part of it through activities and exercises focusing on the main difficulties you may encounter on the D-day. You will receive a lot of methodological advices.

Days: Weekdays
Time: 7.00-9.00 pm
Frequency: 2 hrs twice a week (16 hrs)      
Duration: 4 weeks
Price: 1040 RMB per session     
Special discount: 10% off if subscribed together with a regular French course

16 hours preparation courseLevel B2

This workshop will allow you to understand how this examination is organized and you will be preparing each part of it through activities and exercises focusing on the main difficulties you may encounter on the D-day. You will receive a lot of methodological advices.

Days: Weekdays
Time: 7.00-9.00 pm
Frequency: 2 hrs twice a week (16 hrs)      
Duration: 4 weeks
Price: 1040 RMB per session     
Special discount: 10% off if subscribed together with a regular French course

Mock listening and reading examination

Our mock listening and reading examination proof is a great way to get prepared to the real exam conditions and can make a big difference on the D-day. Your mock listening and reading examination proof (A1, A2, B1, B2) will be sent to Paris and will be assessed by France Education International (FEI) specialists.

Feedbacks on your results will then be given by our teachers and further advice will be given to you in order to improve your score on the day of the real exam. Our mock sessions are open to everyone, whether you plan to take the real exam or simply want to assess your progress in listening and reading skills.

Price of mock listening & reading examination

 A1 – A2: 280 RMB 
B1 – B2: 320 RMB

Mock individual oral examination

Our mock exam is a great opportunity for you to correct the little mistakes that can make a big difference on the D-day. The feedbacks from our skilled and experienced teachers will help you put all the chances on your side.

The mock oral examination (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) will be assessed by our DELF and DALF accredited teachers and personal feedbacks will be provided individually. Our mock sessions are open to everyone, whether you plan to take the real exam or simply want to assess your progress in speaking skills.

Price of mock oral examination

 A1 – A2: 280 RMB 
B1 – B2: 380 RMB
C1 – C2: 480 RMB

Mock individual written examination

Our mock exam is a great opportunity for you to correct the little mistakes that can make a big difference on the D-day and will help you to improve your writing skills under limited timing. The corrections and feedbacks from our skilled and experienced teachers will help you to put all the chances on your side.

The mock written examination (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) will be assessed by our DELF and DALF accredited teachers. A corrected copy and personal feedbacks will be provided individually on the next day. Our mock sessions are open to everyone, whether you plan to take the real exam or simply want to assess your progress in writing skills.

Price of mock written examination

 A1 – A2: 280 RMB 
B1 – B2: 380 RMB
C1 – C2: 480 RMB

Private tuition

Personalized training and flexible scheduling, private tuition is a great way to focus on specific skills and get ready before your exam.

Our accredited teachers will first evaluate your assets and weak points for the exam you wish to prepare and will train you according to a tailored program.

To top up your personalized program, you can also subscribe to individual speaking and writing mock tests at a discounted rate.

For more information click here.

TCF/TEF series language Tests

Boost your scores with our in-house training!

Careful preparation is necessary to skillfully handle TCF/TEF, TCF-Q/TEFAQ and TEF Canada tests and achieve the required results. Unfortunately, books available are not always adapted and will not allow you to know whether your performance is adequate to get the best scores.

16 hours preparation course

You will acquire the necessary reading and listening strategies specific to these exams, will learn how to detect traps in tick-box questions and will enhance your grammar and vocabulary knowledge and writing skills for better results. The feedbacks from our accredited teachers will help you to put all the chances on your side.

With this workshop based on sample proofs, make sure that you are familiar with question types and communicative situations frequently set for these tests. A full mock assessment test is also organized to be fully prepared on D-Day.

Days: weekdays
Time: 6.30 to 8.30 pm
Frequency: 2 hrs twice a week (16 hrs) 
Duration: 4 weeks
Price: 1040 RMB
Special discount: 10% off if subscribed together with a regular French course

Private tuition

Personalized training and flexible scheduling, private tuition is a great way to focus on specific skills and get ready before your exam.

Our accredited teachers will first evaluate your assets and weak points and will train you according to a tailored program.

For more information click here.