Our Media Library

Benefit our rich library and media collection!

Alliance Française Hangzhou has a rich Library and Media collection of over 3000 French literature books both in Chinese and French, books about France, China and French speaking countries, about Fine Arts, philosophy, tourism, gastronomy, comics and many more. French CDs and DVDs complete this collection.

The Student’s corner allows students to enhance their French skills with phonics, grammar, verbs, vocabulary, and easy reading books organized by levels thanks to a color coding.

The Kids’ corner offers a full range of French documents: comics, picture books for toddlers, story books with CDs, but also books on History and Sciences constituting an educational and enjoyable library for kids up to 15 years old.

You want to have access to even more French culture anywhere, anytime? Get free access to Culturethèque, the French e-library.


Opening hours

From Monday to Sunday: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm

Closed on public holidays

Admission is free and open to anyone.

Become a Member

New Publications for Adults

New Publications for Children

Loan conditions

Only Alliance Française members are allowed to borrow resources.

Individual  Family
Duration of the loan
Number of Books, Magazines
and Comic books


3 per person

3 weeks
Number of CDs or DVDs


3 weeks

Become a Member

You may renew your loans a maximum of 2 times except new items. Loan renewal can be done by phone (0571-8808-2526) or by email info.hangzhou@afchine.org.

Fines are charged on items returned or renewed after their due date (5 RMB per overdue item each day). A replacement fee is charged for lost or damaged items or you may opt to buy an exact replacement.

Book donations

You’ve got books, DVD’s, CD’s at home and you don’t know what to do with it?

Our library welcomes donations of items in good condition. Contact us or come with your books, we may be interested!